Buddha spoke of the doctrine of the dependent origination. It is contained in the ‘Second Noble Truth’ (of Buddhism) which gives us the cause of suffering, and in the ‘Third Noble Truth’ which shows the cessation of suffering. Suffering is Samsara; cessation of suffering is Nirvana. Both are aspects of the same reality. Pratityasamutpada, when understood from the point of view of relativity is Samsara; while when understood from the point of view of reality, is Nirvana. All phenomenal things hang between reality and nothingness, avoiding both the extremes.
Dharma, the Law is: ‘He who sees the Pratityasamutpada sees the Dharma, and he who sees the Dharma sees the Pratityasamutpada.’ Failure to grasp it is the cause of misery. Its knowledge leads to the cessation of misery. The Noble Eightfold Path of Buddhist practice consists of eight steps which are: (1) right faith (samyag drsti), (2) right resolve (sankalpa), (3) right speech (vak), (4) right action (karmanta), (5) right living (ajiva), (6) right effort (vyayama), (7) right thought (smrti) and (8) right concentration (samadhi) is the path to dhamma and where the soul arrives at the highest value of compassion.